Did you ever wish to deploy Astaroth in your WFB battle? Or to use Nightmare in your tabletop skirmish battles? Or do you simply wanna own everything related to SC? Well, for all who answered YES to any of the previous questions… There are obviously new SC miniatures of 32mm range available now.

RB Estudio is a company creating 3D models for 3D printing, mainly for RPG and board games. But within their range, you can find even very unexpected figures… Like, Setsuka. Astaroth. Nightmare… Basically, whole traditional SC cast. And as you can see, the figures are quite nice!
The “Soul Fighter Tournament” release happened at the end of October and can be reviewed on Kickstarter.
If you are interested in these figures, they seem to be available also on TabletopXtra in UK; either separately, or as a huge full set pack (which includes also Ryu and Akuma from THAT another fighting game). You can also buy them on WepPrintMiniatures from RB Estudio range, but you need to look for each figure manually as the studio’s range is quite huge.